Big Time DeSantis Ally Flips, Endorses President Trump

The downward spiral of DeSantis’ bid to become president continues…

A long-time supporter of his, State Rep. Randy Fine, has  flipped and is now supporting President Trump for president.

Here’s his very public declaration of support on X:

From Floridian Press:

The endorsement comes just days after Rep. Fine spoke with The Floridian about the Hamas attacks in Israel, where he demanded the expulsion of the pro-Palestinian “Squad” of Democratic Representatives in the House, calling them “terrorists.”

“They are more focused on these Arabs in Gaza than they are on American hostages that are held there. That is treason,” Fine said.

Fellow Florida State Representative Joe Gruters (R), who had previously accused Gov. DeSantis of intentionally line-item vetoing Sarasota County projects for his Trump endorsement, replied to Fine’s tweet, “Great decision, welcome to the team. @realDonaldTrump is who America needs to lead us now more than ever.”

Trump had previously called Hezbollah “very smart” for taking advantage of the Biden Administration’s incompetence, which Gov. DeSantis interpreted attacked as “absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as ‘very smart.'”

However, the Trump War Room account called DeSantis “stupid” for his response, clarifying that Trump “was clearly pointing out how incompetent Biden and his administration were by telegraphing to the terrorists an area that is susceptible to an attack,” adding “Smart does not equal good. It just proves Biden is stupid. And now you look stupid, Ron.”

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump continues to lead over DeSantis by nearly 46 points in the polls, with Trump at 58.8% on average to DeSantis’ 13%, with the Emerson poll putting him as low as 8%.

I’m sure there will be many more to follow behind Fine.

Ron, this is your sign to secure any dignity  you have left and hang up your hat.

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