Walk Out: Hamas Spokesman Pushed on Slaughtered Israelis, Storms Out of Interview [WATCH]

During a recent BBC interview, Deputy Foreign Minister for Hamas Ghazi Hamad was pushed by interviewer Hugo Bachega on the horrific murders carried out by Hamas on October 7th.


and the Hamas spox walked out.

He claimed that there was “no command” to kill innocent people.

“It was directed for military purposes, for the military sites,” he insisted, before Bachega cut him off, stating, “But hundreds of civilians were killed.”

From Fox News:

Hamad sidestepped the interruption and pressed on, adding that Hamas’ attack was also against the “military soldiers who imposed sanctions and collective punishment against our people.”

Again, the Hamas spokesperson said the attack was not aimed at civilians, stating, “And I think from the first moment, we declared that this operation was not directed to the civilians. But I can confirm and assure again and again that there was no command, no command to kill any civilians.”

Elsewhere in the BBC interview, Bachega asked Hamad, “How do you justify killing people as they sleep? You know, families? How do you justify–?” At that moment, Hamad turned and said, “I want to stop this interview.”

Watch the clip above.




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