There’s Already an Ethics Complaint Lodged Against Biden’s New SCOTUS Justice

Well, that didn’t take long. Joe Biden’s appointee, often praised for her diversity, has already found herself in hot water with an ethics complaint lodged against her. It appears that Justice Jackson was rather selective in reporting her husband’s earnings, and this went on for over a decade. When it’s that long, it hardly seems like a mere oversight. Instead, it suggests something more intentional, as if she’s definitely hiding something, right?

From Western Journal:

The Center for Renewing America filed the complaint and posted it on its website, alleging Jackson “appears to have willfully failed to disclose required information regarding her husband’s medical malpractice consulting income for over a decade.”

The complaint noted that “given the repeated omissions of this information for several years, it is appropriate to refer Justice Jackson to the United States Attorney General.”
The complaint to the Judicial Conference also said “there is reason to believe that Justice Jackson may have failed to report the private funding sources of her massive investiture celebration at the Library of Congress in her most recent financial disclosure.”

“Given the need to ensure the equal application of the law and the tendency of these violations to create serious recusal issues and conflicts of interest, the Conference’s prompt attention is of paramount public importance,” the letter said.
The complaint said that Jackson followed the rules in 2011 when she reported two of her husband’s clients paid him more than $1,000.

“On her subsequent filings, however, Justice Jackson repeatedly failed to disclose that her husband received income from medical malpractice consulting fees. We know this by Justice Jackson’s own admission in her amended disclosure form for 2020, filed when she was nominated to the Supreme Court, that ‘some of my previously filed reports inadvertently omitted’ her husband’s income from ‘consulting on medical malpractice cases,’” the complaint said.

What Justice Jackson did could be considered illegal, which is quite ironic given the left’s constant scrutiny of Justice Thomas, who, in my opinion, hasn’t done anything wrong. Perhaps instead of fixating on the most competent justice on the bench, they should turn their attention to what I view as Biden’s subpar diversity hire

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