IT’S A TRAP! Rep. Chip Roy Drops Lengthy X Thread Blasting Senate’s Border Package [READ IT]

Texas Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) unloaded on the Senate’s proposed border bill in a lengthy X thread on Monday; he says the Senate bill “is NOT well-intended.”



“The bill BORROWS some $118BB to fund $60BB for Ukraine, in addition to other Foreign Aid (Israel & Taiwan), plus $20BB for alleged ‘border security…’” Roy continues.

“The border ‘crisis’ is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of law by the President – the willing disregard of the text & spirit of laws designed to maintain operational … control of the border & secure our nation – in favor of using judge-made loopholes & very limited exceptions (asylum & parole) to establish a default of ‘encounter & release’ instead of ‘encounter & remove,’” he said.

“The Senate ‘deal’ is designed to accept and perpetuate the Democrat scam of mass migration,” Roy said before listing out a series of takeaways from the bipartisan Senate bill.

“In conclusion, this bill is a partisan ‘uniparty’ war bill masquerading as border security that perpetuates open borders, massive debt, & continued proxy wars… a ‘shiny object’ not worthy of further comment beyond immediate burial in the grave,” Roy said, ending his thread with a “#SecureAmericaFirst” hashtag.

The Senate is planning to hold a vote on the bill as early as this week.

More over at The Daily Wire:


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