Women in Headscarves Filmed Taking Down Posters of Missing Israelis

A viral video is making its rounds, showing two women in Islamic headscarves angrily tearing down posters of missing Israeli kidnap victims in London.

When the two women are confronted about why they’re doing this, one of  them snaps and says they’re doing it “for Palestine.”

Watch the video:


From The Daily Caller: 

“Outrageous. This is f**king outrageous,” one person told the women tearing down the posters.

“What’s outrageous?” one of the women taking down posters asked.

“You,” the person responded.

A bystander then asked the women, “Why don’t you do something for Palestine? Why don’t you do anything — ”

“This is for Palestine,” one of the women taking down the posters shouted back.

“What about the innocent children and people?” another bystander asked.

“What about the children in Palestine?” one of the women with a headscarf responded.

The practice of putting posters up of persons that Hamas kidnapped as a result of their Saturday invasion into Israel has been done in other cities like Berlin, Madrid, New York City and Barcelona, Jewish News reported. The flyers depict the faces of the kidnap victim, identifies him/her by name and has the word “kidnapped” on them.

In London, the Jewish community put up these posters in non-Jewish areas to spread public awareness to non-Jewish Londoners, the outlet noted.

Eyal Baram, one of the organizers of this effort, told Jewish Press, “I have lost nine friends in the past few days” in Israel. “We have never seen anything on this level since the Holocaust.”

Since Hamas’s assault on southern Israel on Saturday, the internationally designated terrorist group has killed 1,300 Israelis and taken over 100 people hostage. The organization has controlled the Gaza Strip since it seized power there back in June 2007.


Politics and personal beliefs aside, it’s absolutely tragic what is happening to these innocent people in Israel, many of them children.

So, for these women to tear down these  posters is quite possibly the lowest behavior imaginable.


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