Byron Donalds Exposes Damning Hunter Biden Texts Democrats Don’t Want You To See

Byron Donalds exposed damning texts from Hunter Biden at the first hearing of the House’s impeachment inquiry.


Rep. Donalds: This is the WhatsApp text message between Jim Biden and Hunter Biden, in this text message it clearly says ‘any way we can talk later, but you’ve been drawn into something clearly for the purpose of protecting Dad’. Ms. O’Connor, do you think this text message would lead this Committee to get further information about the business dealings of Hunter Biden and how that actually links to Jim Biden, the President’s brother, and how they are so concerned with protecting ‘Dad’ aka Joe Biden aka the President of the United States?”

The text Donalds was highlighting from Hunter to Jim Biden read: “Send me text saying what you told me over the phone please. If YOU NO LONGER WISH TO BE INVOLVED IN THIS VENTURE REGARDLESS of how tangentially I need it in writing. Because as you have pointed out over and over again – you cannot be my uncle or my protector and counsel if you don’t have all the information. Well this time I don’t have any information at all and these guys may or may not be something different than I thought. I promise I did everything I could to make certain of that/ that they adhered to OUR standards – but Jesus this is insanely complicated. Anyway, we can talk later but you’ve been drawn into something purely for the purpose of protecting Dad – and I know any of the BS money is mine ultimately.

The witness Donalds was addressing was ex-DOJ official Eileen O’Connor, who accused the department of soft-pedaling their criminal investigation of Hunter, and she agreed with Donalds.

Donalds then moved to another:

Rep Donalds: Next slide please. This is a text message between Hunter Biden and Naomi Biden. And this is a famous one, everybody knows this one. This is the famous one that says “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard.”


Next slide – this is a fun one. Ladies and gentlemen, this one is from 2018, about four months before Joe Biden launched his campaign for president of the United States. December of 2018. The highlight is, this is a text message between Jim Biden and Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden was in a bad way by the way, he was really strung out, he lost a bunch of money, he needed help. Jim Biden says ‘this can work, you need a safe harbor. I can work with your father alone; it’ll probably take several months’ and everyone can read the text.

Meanwhile, Democrats used their time to whine about the unfairness of impeachment, and deny that the evidence just presented in front of them exists.

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