Photo of Border Patrol Agent ‘Fist-Bumping’ An Illegal Migrant Crossing the Border Infuriates Americans

There’s a photo making the rounds that has infuriated many Americans.

The photo shows a border patrol agent “fist-pumping” an illegal migrant crossing the border, and it has many people feeling like even the folks who are sworn to protect our border are perhaps in “cahoots” with those who are choosing to illegally enter this country, suggesting they may not be on our side

This outrage over this photo is not entirely unfounded, as Americans have witnessed for quite some time the absolute mess our border has become.

In fact, it has become so dire that even Elon Musk himself recently ventured to the border to gain a firsthand experience of this disaster.

From Reuters:Ā 


Billionaire Elon Musk waded into the U.S. immigration debate on Thursday, paying a visit to the Texas border with Mexico to meet with local politicians and law enforcement and obtain what he called an “unfiltered” view of the situation.

Musk’s visit came asĀ thousands of migrantsĀ have ventured to northern Mexico in recent days on freight trains and buses, then crossed the U.S. border into Texas, Arizona and California in an upswing in arrivals of people seeking asylum in the United States.

The sharp increase, notably around San Diego, California, and the Texas border towns of El Paso and Eagle Pass, follows an earlier lull in unauthorized border crossings following a new asylum policy imposed by Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration to discourage such activity.


Musk visited Eagle Pass, where throngs of migrants have for several days been wading across the Rio Grande near a railroad bridge in Eagle Pass, undeterred by coils of razor wire placed along theĀ river banksĀ by the Texas National Guard.

Dressed in a black T-shirt, black cowboy hat and aviator-style sunglasses, Musk urged a two-pronged approach to overhauling U.S. immigration laws in a video-selfie posted to the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, which he purchased last April.

He called for an “expedited legal approval” as part of a “greatly expanded legal immigration system” that welcomes “hard-working and honest” migrants, while also barring entry for those who are “breaking the law.”

“We want to do both things – smooth out legal immigration and stop a flow of people that is of such magnitude that weā€™re leading to a collapse of social services,” Musk said.

Musk, a native of South Africa, noted his own status as an “immigrant to the United States” and called himself “extremely pro-immigrant.

Well, if Elon thinks he can resolve our border crisis, then more power to him.

All I know is that something seriously needs to change, and the impetus for that change doesn’t appear to be coming from D.C.







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