Anti-Cop Pastor Has Change of Heart – Organizes HUGE ‘Back the Blue’ Event

Years after the peak of the anti-cop sentiment that had spread throughout the U.S., many people are now reevaluating their positions and reversing their stance.

Black preacher Rev. Markel Hutchins, who  once stood proudly with BLM and led anti-police protests, is now changing course and organizing an event to support law enforcement in the crime-infested state of Georgia.

From Western Journal: 

“Law enforcement officers have been, rightly or wrongly, demonized and demoralized and really disconnected from their communities over the last three or four years in a way that has had a detrimental effect on crime and violence, on law enforcement as a profession and, by extension, on communities,” the Rev. Markel Hutchins told Fox News.

Over the weekend, the Georgia pastor spearheaded pro-police rallies in several cities across the country to spotlight the need for more cops and to end hostilities against law enforcement.

In the three years since BLM led its anti-police crusade, there has been a dramatic spike in crime across the U.S. amid the police drawbacks fueled by the harebrained “defund the police” movement.

Contrary to the false narrative pushed by BLM grifters, Democrats and the corporate media, most minorities do not support defunding the police because doing so results in increased crime in their neighborhoods.

“The truth is that more than 70 percent of African-Americans and Hispanics and more than 80 percent of white Americans, according to recent polling, want the same or more law enforcement,” Hutchins told Fox.

“Most people understand that most police officers go to work and do a good job every single day. So this underlying message that we’ve heard too much in the media that somehow the American people are not supportive of law enforcement just isn’t true.”

Hutchins said this was confirmed at the pro-police rallies he attended over the “Faith & Blue Weekend.”

The pastor admits his anti-cop sentiment has been turned on its head, and that he now wants to work with — not against — law enforcement.


Good for this man for admitting he was wrong and working to truly make a change.

There aren’t many who  would admit to their errors and actually collaborate with the community to make a difference and take a stance against the growing crime

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