Haley and Ramaswamy’s war of words heats up with fresh volleys over Israel-Hamas war

Vivek Ramswamy says that 2024 Republican presidential nomination rival Nikki Haley should be “disqualified from being president.”

The multi-millionaire biotech entrepreneur and first-time candidate’s verbal attack on Haley, a former two-term South Carolina governor who later served as ambassador to the United Nations in then-President Donald Trump’s administration, came hours after she argued that Ramaswamy’s comments on the Israel-Hamas war were akin to the far-left “Squad” in Congress.

It’s the latest verbal fire between the two candidates that has flared on the campaign trail and at the first two Republican presidential nomination debates.

Haley has seen her poll numbers edge up early state surveys as well as nationally in recent months. She doubled her support in the latest Fox News national poll that released earlier this week. Haley, Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are among the candidates battling for second place in a nomination battle where former President Donald Trump remains the commanding front-runner.

Ramaswamy, speaking with reporters ahead of his speech at the New Hampshire GOP’s First-in-the-Nation Leadership Summit, accused Haley of having “personal conflicts of interest,” which appeared to be a jab at her husband’s business ties to the defense industry.


“Nikki Haley has foreign policy experience, and it shows — in her bank account, to the tune of $8 million,” Ramaswamy said. “It is sick. Especially when you have a Biden crime family and the White House that has monetized their connections and their foreign policy and sold off our foreign policy. We don’t need to substitute them with a Republican version of the same

“I do not want a president anywhere near the White House who’s willing to march us into World War III,” Ramaswamy said.

The Haley campaign didn’t respond to Ramaswamy’s latest slight.


Haley told reporters earlier on Friday, after filing at the Statehouse in Concord to place her name on New Hampshire’s GOP presidential primary ballot, that “Ramaswamy sounds like the Squad,”

“And there’s no place for the Squad or Ramaswamy” in when it comes to the discussion of international conflicts, she said.


Haley joins 2024 GOP White House rivals former Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina in criticizing Ramaswamy’s recent comments questioning the motives of some Republicans advocating for a muscular Israeli response following last weekend’s sneak attack by Hamas on Israel, which resulted in the deadliest assault on the Jewish state in decades.


The horrific attack has upended the 2024 presidential race and has spotlighted the growing chasm in the GOP between the growing “America First” anti-interventionist wing of the party and the traditional conservative wing that strongly supports America’s longtime role policing the world.

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