GAG MAN: Judge Hits Trump With Gag Order in Case Related to Jan. 6 [DETAILS]

Certain topics are off limits to the former POTUS…

According to a report from The Washington Post, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan has hit Donald Trump with a gag order, preventing him from “publicly targeting” the judge, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and “any other court personnel.”

From The Washington Post:

Even before the order was issued, Trump’s lawyer John Lauro said they would appeal any such order, as it would affect important free speech principles, particularly for a leading candidate for president.

Trump “can argue that this prosecution is politically motivated,” the judge said, but he cannot disparage the prosecutor by calling him a thug or “vilify and implicitly encourage violence against public servants who are simply doing their jobs.”

She is also barring Trump and all parties from making statements about witnesses in the case.



Trump spoke about the impending ruling Sunday night on TRUTH Social.

Tomorrow is a big day for Democracy. A Leaking, Crooked and Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has a terrible record of failure, is asking a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge, Tanya Chutkan, who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said, to silence me, through the use of a powerful GAG ORDER, making it impossible for me to criticize those who are doing the silencing, namely Crooked Joe Biden, and his corrupt and weaponized DOJ & FBI. They want to take away my First Amendment rights, and my ability to both campaign and defend myself. In other words, they want to cheat and interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. It is strictly Banana Republic kind of “stuff.” These political Hacks and Thugs are destroying our Country. Let’s see what happens on Monday in Judge Chutkan’s courtroom. Will America survive, or not? I’ll be campaigning in the Great State of Iowa, where I am leading by 50 Points!!!

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared Trump’s post adding they are trying to “muzzle” him.

“They are attempting to muzzle the most popular political figure in America! President Donald J Trump! Stripping all Americans’ (both supporters and not) opportunity to hear from the leading candidate for President. UnConstitutional and unAmerican!”



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