Organization of Islamic Cooperation Slams Supporters of Israel for Granting Immunity in Gaza Conflict

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation criticized the supporters of Israel for providing the country with immunity during its conflict in Gaza. This statement was made on Wednesday, coinciding with US President Joe Biden’s visit to show solidarity with Israel.

An emergency meeting of foreign ministers from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation resulted in a statement expressing the bloc’s disapproval of international positions that support the aggressive actions against the Palestinian people. The OIC, consisting of 57 member countries with Muslim-majority populations, criticized the granting of impunity to Israel and highlighted the use of double standards that provide protection for the occupying power.

According to the user’s text, it is stated that Israel was blamed for a rocket strike on Gaza’s Ahli Arab Hospital, which resulted in the deaths of 471 individuals, as reported by Gaza’s health ministry controlled by Hamas.

In the aftermath of the incident that has sparked widespread anger throughout the Middle East, various Arab countries have individually placed blame on Israel.

During a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Biden expressed his endorsement of Israel’s stance regarding the incident at the hospital. According to President Biden, the data presented to him by the defense department indicated that the tragic loss of life was a result of a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket.

The strike occurred as a result of Israel’s ongoing bombing campaign in Gaza, which was initiated in response to the violent attack carried out by Hamas on October 7th.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is headquartered in the coastal city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, has urged the international community to take action in response to what it perceives as war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

The United Nations Security Council was criticized for its inability to effectively address and prevent the ongoing violence.

In his remarks, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki expressed his belief that those who granted Israel unrestricted permission to engage in the war, supplied it with weapons, and even dispatched military reinforcements to aid in its actions, were complicit in what he described as a heinous crime.

According to Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Israel’s actions are being carried out with the complete backing of the United States and certain Western nations.

During a press conference in Jeddah, he expressed his opinion that Islamic nations that have established diplomatic relations with Israel should consider expelling their ambassadors and halting the export of oil to Israel. It is worth noting, however, that the official statement released by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) did not explicitly mention these specific measures.

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