Will Smith Humiliates Himself on Stage Yet Again Over ‘Wife’ Jada

It seems like the drama and humiliation just never ends between Will Smith and his “wife” Jada.

Despite her recent revelation that they have been separated since 2016, Will is still  standing by her for some bizarre reason. He recently proclaimed at an event that he will remain supportive of Jada, no matter how much personal baggage she divulges.

Talk about a simp, right?

From TMZ: 

Jada and Will were shoulder to shoulder Wednesday night in her hometown of Baltimore, where she was plugging her memoir, “Worthy” … and he played the Patsy Cline role perfectly. While hugging Jada, he declared, “I am going to show up for her and support her for the rest of my life.”

He also called her the “best friend I have ever had on this planet” … a statement that will likely shock a lot of his fans, who’ve felt Jada’s tell-all book has only disrespected and/or emasculated him.

Remember, Jada’s already revealed they’ve been separated and “living single” since 2016, called Tupac her “soulmate” and said the most shocking part of the Oscars slap was the fact Will called her his “wife.”

Aside from one statement he issued, Will’s been silent during Jada’s media blitz — but last night, with their kids Willow, Jaden and Trey onstage with them … he posed the question, “Can you show up and love somebody for the rest of your life even when you don’t agree with them?”

The answer is a resounding yes for Will. Even Jada’s changed her tune in recent days, saying she thinks their separation is coming to an end … and it definitely looked like it last night.

For everyone who’s utterly baffled by Jada’s running commentary during her book tour … Will’s remarks last night won’t clear things up.


At this point, it’s abundantly clear that this poor man has been  browbeaten into submission.

Will appears to have absolutely no backbone or self-worth if he continues to stand by a woman who repeatedly disrespects him.

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