The World Just Saw Joe Biden at His Absolute Worst on Live TV

Joe Biden is currently appearing and sounding at his absolute worst.

While addressing the press in the White House Situation Room, Biden’s voice wavered even more than usual, and toward the end of his brief 6 minute speech, he only managed to murmur something about having to leave and go to the Situation Room.

It sounds more like he needs to go for his afternoon nap.

Oh, but it didn’t stop there…

While on his way to the “Situation Room,” Biden responded to a reporter’s inquiry about U.S. hostages, and he sounded even more delirious than he did in his previous statement.

From Western Journal: 

The Situation Room is a crisis/intelligence management center located beneath the West Wing of the White House.

“It’s where U.S. presidents and their top aides hold calls with foreign leaders, receive and digest classified information, and watch intelligence feeds showing history unfolding in real-time,” according to CNN.

The New York Times reported Monday that the Biden administration is pushing Israel to delay its expected ground operation into the Gaza Strip aimed at eradicating Hamas terrorists.

The White House wants more time to negotiate for the release of hostages, including Americans, and better prepare for an attack on U.S. forces in the region.

In recent days, there have been a series of attempted drone strikes on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria from apparent Iranian proxies.

Two U.S. officials told the Times that “the advice to the Israelis to hold off on the land war was being conveyed through Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III because the Pentagon is helping advise Israel on military actions, including the ground invasion.”

Honestly, given what’s happening in the world right now, Biden is  just about the last person I want to see standing at the helm.

This guy seriously needs to be admitted into an assisted living facility, not leading our nation while a war looms on the horizon




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