Drag Queen Shows Up At Library to Read to Kids, Finds Angry Parents Instead

It appears the tide has turned, and Drag Time Story Hour has been officially canceled.

A drag queen known as “Pickle” arrived for their storytime event but was met at the door by a group of irate protesters at the San Fernando Public Library in California.

From Western Journal: 

Among the groups protesting was Gays Against Groomers California, an LGBT group that recognizes that drag is an activity unsuitable for kids and that drag activity involving minors is a blatant attempt to sexualize and indoctrinate children.

On their website, Gays Against Groomers wrote: “Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theorybeing taught in the classroom.”

The group put out a tweet on Tuesday that read, “The San Fernando Library in #LACounty is hosting a Drag Queen Storytime featuring Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath & Pickle the Drag Queen on 10/25. Let’s call in and voice our concerns – DRAG IS NOT FOR KIDS!”

When Pickle arrived on the scene, he was met with angry protesters pounding their fists in the air shouting, “Our Kids, Our Consent” and “Leave our kids alone,” according to the gay publication WeHo Times of West Hollywood.

“They were calling me a pedophile, they were calling me a pervert, they were telling me to stay away from kids,” Pickle told KGO-TV. “Just the usual slurs.”

This is undeniably a significant shift, especially  for the typically liberal state of California.

It will be intriguing to observe if similar protests begin emerging in other places.


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