Is Sean Hannity Hiding Something Big About January 6?

If there’s one thing you can take to the bank, it’s that former CNN flop Brian Stelter is obsessed with Fox News, even after he got fired. It seems that he can’t let go of Fox or his conspiracy theories surrounding all things Fox. So much so, that Brian has now cooked up a whole concpiraty surrounding Sean Hannity and January 6th. It’s like the Russia Hoax all over again.

OK! Magazine:

Former CNN correspondent Brian Stelter argued that Fox News “softened the ground” for the January 6th Capitol riots and that tv host Sean Hannity may have known more about the situation than he let on.

During an appearance on “The Interview” podcast, Stelter claimed that the riots “could not have happened without Fox News.”

“I know media has covered some of these cases of rioters who have pled guilty, who have said they were watching Fox. They’re watching too much Fox,” he explained. “You know, you don’t get on a plane and fly across the country whether you’re Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was shot, whether you’re Ray Epps, the man who was smeared by Fox and is now suing Fox for defamation.”

“You don’t fly across the country unless you’ve consumed a lot of these lies,” he continued. “You’re not just watching for 20 minutes and then booking an airline ticket. You have to live in this network of lies. You have to live in this stuff every day for months. So that’s why it matters that this was going on for two months.”

The journalist then accused Hannity of knowing the situation was “dangerous.”
“Sean Hannity was texting Mark Meadows he was worried about January 6,” he said. “Sean has still never addressed what he knew about Trump’s mind before and after the riot.”

While Brian Stelter is preoccupied with Mark Meadows and Sean Hannity, the rest of America is puzzled by the January 6 footage, which was withheld for years. Contrary to expectations of an insurrection, it appears more like a quiet tour of the Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Kevin McCarthy never wanted you to see this

— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) November 17, 2023

If Brian is truly concerned with uncovering the ‘truth,’ his focus should be on questioning these recent revelations, rather than fixating on Sean Hannity.

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