Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs: Frasier Crane is ALL-IN For Trump 2024

It’s been  known for quite some time now that “Frasier” star Kelsey Grammer is a staunch conservative. So, it’s not a huge surprise that Grammer is steadfast in his support for Donald Trump and plans to cast his vote for him again in 2024.

Interestingly, this revelation  caught the BBC reporter off guard during the interview with Grammer. In fact, the PR team behind the scenes took action, cutting Kelsey short when he attempted to express more of his support for Trump.

From The Messenger:

Host Justin Webb of BBC’s Today asked the Frasier star if he is still backing the former president in the upcoming US presidential elections and he briefly replied, “I am, and I’ll let that be the end of it.”

Webb joked, “That was the end of it,” adding that, “Though I have to say, Kelsey Grammer himself was perfectly happy to go on talking about it.”

However, according to Webb, “The Paramount+ PR people, less happy that he talked about it at some length.” After his co-host joked about how the network would be “really thrilled” over Webb’s revelation, he added: “They decided that we’d had plenty of time for our interview.”

The interview was primarily to discuss the Frasier reboot, which is currently streaming on the platform.

Webb reiterated that Grammer was “absolutely perfectly happy to talk about why he supported Donald Trump and still does in the coming election.”

Kudos to Kelsey!

Hats off to him for standing firm in his beliefs and not letting the liberal elite in Hollywood deter him from expressing his conservative views.

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