[VIDEO] New “America 250” Logo For Our Big Birthday Bash is As Tired and Sleepy As Joe Biden – The Last News

[VIDEO] New “America 250” Logo For Our Big Birthday Bash is As Tired and Sleepy As Joe Biden

There has undeniably been a noticeable  decline in patriotism since Joe Biden assumed office in 2020. The sluggish economy, the overwhelmed southern border, and the rampant inflation make it challenging to feel a deep sense of pride in our nation.

As we approach America’s 250th anniversary, one might expect a fitting tribute to our remarkable country, offering inspiration to us all. However, given the current administration, it’s not surprising that the new anniversary logo  appears as antiquated and uninspired as the president himself.

From Western Journal:

With celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States just two years away, the event’s logo is due for an official unveiling this week during the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

With any luck, it will get thrown into Boston harbor, too.

As a report by the professional design website Marketing Brew noted on Thursday, the logo has been greeted with mixed reviews.

“America has a new logo for its 250th birthday,” the headline deadpans. “Not everyone is impressed.”

Not impressed? How could any American fail to be impressed by this?

“It feels like an early-round idea that should have gone through a couple more … refinements before it saw the light of day,” Ross Clugston, CCO of the New York-based firm Design Bridge and Partners, told Marketing Brew. 

This Iogo honestly looks like it was designed by an 11-year-old back in 1995, using Microsoft Paint.

Is this really the best we can do?

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