Jon Voight Puts Daughter Angelina Jolie on Blast for Her ‘Hamas Stance’

Jon Voight stands firmly on the other side of the Israel-Palestine conflict from his daughter, Angelina Jolie, and he’s made his stance clear in no uncertain terms.

In a recent, fervent Instagram video, Voight didn’t shy away from criticizing his daughter’s position, which leans towards a pro-Palestine (Hamas) sentiment. She has publicly called for a ceasefire and expressed disapproval of Israel’s military actions in Gaza. We see a lot of this pro-Hamas stuff coming from the left. They’d rather support a group of terrorists who kill gay people at the drop of a hat, and who treat women like second-class citizens  than support Israel. It’s bizarre and makes no sense, but it’s not all that surprising, since nothing the left does makes much sense, does it?

From TMZ:

JV says Israel is in the midst of war, and that their retaliation, by nature, will be ugly … which he believes is justified due to the Oct. 7 terrorist attack carried out by Hamas.
As Jon puts it … he says he’s disappointed with Angie for “having no understanding of God’s honor, God’s truths” — going on to call Israel’s response in Gaza “justice for God’s children in the Holy land. He also says this conflict can’t be civil now … it’s gone too far for that.

Jon also points out a tactic that many military strategists say Hamas uses in burrowing itself among innocent Palestinians — namely, using human shields to defend themselves.
Bottom line … Jon is very much pro-Israel, and is nowhere near calling for peace like AJ. FWIW, JV’s words here are probably falling on deaf ears … he’s estranged from his kid.


Regardless of one’s stance on Israel, endorsing a terrorist organization that ruthlessly kills innocents should be universally condemned

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