Melania is Stepping Back Into The Spotlight At Perfect Time

Since departing the White House in 2020, Melania Trump has deliberately remained out of the public eye, directing her attention towards her family. Nevertheless, she is poised to make a notable public appearance at a particularly opportune moment.

Amid the chaotic state of the southern U.S. border under Biden’s administration, Melania will be attending an event where 25 individuals from 25 different nations will be sworn in as new U.S. citizens. The entire situation is fitting, considering Melania’s own journey to citizenship in 2006 after immigrating from Slovenia, so the matter is very near and dear to her.

From National Archives:

As part of its annual celebration of Bill of Rights Day, the National Archives is hosting a naturalization ceremony at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 15. The ceremony, held in the historic National Archives Rotunda, will see 25 people from 25 nations sworn in as new U.S. citizens in front of the Constitution and our nation’s other founding documents. Former First Lady Melania Trump, herself a naturalized citizen, and Archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan, will provide remarks.

While it’s perfectly clear why Melania would want to attend this event, her former aide Stephanie Winston Wolkoff is basesly claiming that the First Lady is only doing this as a distraction from her husbands trial.

From Yahoo News:

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, Melania’s former trusted adviser and author of Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady, chimed in on X, formerly Twitter, to give her two cents on her sudden interest in the spotlight. “The hypocrisy of Melania Trump hosting a naturalization event at the National Archives (where Donald is under investigation) is right up there with her so-called Be Best anti-bullying platform (where Donald is Bully #1),” she wrote on the social media platform. It is rather awkward that the former first lady is appearing with the group that was the catalyst for Donald Trump’s classified documents investigation, but Wolkoff seems to think it is a “strategic move.”

She continued, “Melania is a vessel of complicity & distraction trying to create a stark contrast from their reality. The Trump’s ‘actions’ contradict their so called ‘beliefs and values.’” Wolkoff and Melania were the best of friends during the Trumps’ socialite days, but their close relationship soured after she was thrown under the bus for alleged financial irregularities tied to Donald Trump’s inauguration. It’s why Wolkoff’s words seem so cutting, she knows how Melania operates out of the public eye.

I remain unconvinced by Wolkoff’s theory suggesting that Melanie’s visit to the National Archives serves as a strategic distraction from Trump’s trial.

This isn’t a spy thriller plot, where  the mere presence of someone’s wife on an unrelated matter magically erases the barrage of unfounded charges against Trump.

Unlike liberals, many of us don’t subscribe to such fanciful scenarios.

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