Ron DeSantis Just Got the News He Feared Most

We’ve been observing for quite some time now that DeSantis stands no chance against Trump in the GOP primaries, but this latest poll must be DeSantis’ most significant wake-up call.

According to a recent poll of Republican  presidential primary voters, Trump is leading by a staggering 35%.

So the significant question remains: when will DeSantis finally decide to concede and withdraw while he still retains some dignity?

From The Messenger: 

“Where DeSantis has been governor and the people know him best, he still can’t beat Trump. And if DeSantis can’t win in his own backyard, where can he win?” asked top Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio, who conducted the survey for a private political client. Fabrizio also surveys for the pro-Trump super PAC, but other pollsters say his Florida numbers jibe with the trend lines of the race.

The poll of 500 Florida Republicans, which shows the other presidential candidates polling in single digits, comes on the heels of the Republican Party of Florida executive committee’s decision last month to nix a party loyalty oath at Trump’s behest. DeSantis allies tried to keep the oath in place, but Trump’s support is so deep in the grassroots that the governor was steamrolled.

Trump’s 57-22% lead over DeSantis in the Fabrizio poll is one of his biggest yet in Florida, and it shows a structural problem for DeSantis in the GOP, where 90% hold a favorable view of him and 76% say they have a “very favorable” opinion of the governor.

But among the latter group, DeSantis is losing to Trump 61-27%. That result, reflected in other surveys, undercuts the governor’s core campaign argument that his high favorable ratings will lead Republicans to support him over Trump.

It’s incredible just  how deep in denial DeSantis truly is.

How many devastating polls need to be released before this guy finally understands?

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