Is Biden Smoking Hunter’s Crack? He Thinks He Can Win Florida

Joe Biden seems to be skipping his daily meds lately, or maybe he’s sharing a crack pipe with his son Hunter because, let’s be real, he’s spouting complete nonsense at this point.

In a recent speech at a fundraising event in Florida, Biden boldly  assured donors that he’s got Florida in the bag for the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November.

But seriously, can we even count on Biden being on the ballot, let alone clinching a crucial  battleground state like Florida?

From BizPac Review:

“Here in Florida, you’ve had a real dose of Trumpism,” Biden said before drawing laughter for making the sign of the cross.

“We have to organize, mobilize the vote. I think we can win Florida. I think the Democrats can win in Florida,” the geriatric president opined. “We have to keep the White House, we have to keep the Senate and we have to win back the House.’

Perhaps no one told Biden that the Republican Party of Florida’s voter registration lead over the Florida Democratic Party is now 800,000 and growing — the GOP overtook the party in 2021 under the direction of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Democrats have historically held a registration lead in the state, including a 328,000 lead in 2016 when Trump topped Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by just 1.3 percent of the vote. In 2020, Trump beat Biden by more than 3 points with Democrats holding a voter registration advantage of 134,000.

Adding to the list of Republican success, DeSantis blew out Democratic gubernatorial nominee Charlie Crist in 2022 by nearly 20% of the vote, winning 59.4 percent to 40 percent.

All of which means it would be quite a feat for Biden to prevail in 2024. Then again, he supposedly drew 81 million votes in 2020, the most ever by a presidential candidate.

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