Trump Officially Broke Cher

We’ve observed for a while now that Cher has been suffering from a severe case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). However, the notion of him winning in 2024 appears to be pushing her to the brink.

Cher has recently disclosed that if Trump does, in fact, reclaim the White House in the upcoming presidential election, she will depart the United States.

Funny, we’ve heard such talk before…

From Western Journal: 

Forget about “Turn Back Time.” Sarah Palin would like to turn forward time to 2024 and the return of former President Donald Trump to the White House.

The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate posted a celebration emoji Wednesday in response to a quote by singer Cher declaring that if Trump wins next year’s election, she will leave the country.

“Hip Hip Hoooray @cher buh bye*sigh* they all say that they never do,” Palin said in her post on the X social media platform.

The quote came from Cher’s interview with The Guardian published Wednesday.

The 77-year-old singer and actress said she was “horrified” at the thought of Trump being president again.

“I almost got an ulcer the last time. If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave [the country],” she told the U.K. outlet.

Well, as I mentioned, we’ve heard this type of declaration from liberals before.

After Trump’s victory in 2016, many prominent liberal celebrities pledged that they would be catching the first flight out of the U.S., but in reality, few of them even packed their bags.

So, we’ll see if Cher does, in fact, follow through with her word and departs America for good once Trump regains the White House.

She certainly won’t be missed…

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