Former Trump adviser says he is not ‘celebrating’ funding the government for the next 45 days – The Last News

Former Trump adviser says he is not ‘celebrating’ funding the government for the next 45 days

Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller said Sunday that he is not “celebrating” Congress avoiding a shutdown and funding the government for the next 45 days.

“Well, I, for one, am not celebrating the fact that we have extended government funding without making any change at all in the direction of this corrupt government,” he said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“I understand how it got to this point, but the tragedy is this,” Miller said. “We have watched for the last two or three days as everybody has been in a state of absolute panic, upheaval, outrage at the mere possibility that there could be a temporary lapse in government funding, as it happened dozens of times before.”

The House and Senate passed a continuing resolution Saturday that funds the government at current spending levels until Nov. 17 and provides $16 billion in disaster relief. It does not include GOP provisions addressing border security or any funding for Ukraine — which the White House and Democrats sought.

Miller said that he would have supported the stopgap bill if it included the border security measures. He also said he would like to see the appropriations bills individually passed with a Justice Department bill that “fully defangs, disables and defunds weaponized government.”

“I have not seen the same level of outrage, or panic, or upheaval, or emotion over the fact that we have had an invasion of our border for three straight years,” he said. “Washington is up in arms over the prospect of a slight disturbance in their lives and their schedules, but the destruction of our country, except for but a handful of members, barely elicits any response at all.”

He said if House Republicans do not find a way to “disable this corrupt government,” they will have failed.

“But we need to show that we can force the Senate to consider the policies that will stop the invasion, that will stop weaponized government, that will stop the assault on our liberties and our freedoms. And if that means the government shuts once, or twice, or three times, then that is the smallest price against the loss of our country, against the loss of this republic,” Miller said.

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