Trump Dominates Polls: Surges to Nearly 60% Support Nationally, Leaving GOP Challengers in the Dust!

◉ Trump Dominates Polls: Surges to Nearly 60% Support Nationally, Leaving GOP Challengers in the Dust!

According to a recent poll by Emerson College, former President Donald Trump is gaining significant national support, reaching nearly 60 percent. In contrast, his primary and caucus opponents trail far behind with single-digit numbers. Additionally, in a hypothetical general election race, Trump holds a narrow lead over current President Joe Biden. These findings reflect the dynamic political landscape and highlight the intense competition between the two candidates.

In the Republican presidential primary race, Trump leads with a commanding 59 percent of the response, leaving his nearest competitors far behind by more than 50 points. Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) come in at a respectable eight points each, closely followed by former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) at four percent.

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