Dee Snider Changes His Tune… Republicans Have His Blessing to Use ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’

The lead singer of Twisted Sister, Dee Snider, has certainly had some choice words for conservatives who used the song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” as their own political anthem.



Well, for whatever reason, Dee is changing his tune and has now declared that he’s fine with anyone on the right or left using his song.

From TMZ: 

We got the Twisted Sister frontman at LAX and our photog asked him where he stands on politicians playing “We’re Not Gonna Take It” … now that campaign season is about to heat up.

Dee says Republicans and Democrats have his blessing to play the song at rallies, appearances and in ads … but says the same does not hold true for any candidates who go full QAnon.

The issue with QAnon for Dee … it’s all a bunch of lies and BS, and he feels there’s already enough of that in the world.

Dee’s made his feelings on QAnon well-known on social media over the years … and he’s doubling down here.

We also asked Dee how he feels about the U.S. military using the song as a battle cry now that another war has erupted … and he explains why the armed forces are more than welcome to rock out to Twisted Sister.

Dee’s even down with the Israel Defense Forces playing the anthem … sharing his thoughts on what’s happening in Gaza.

I love how Dee has a moral issue with QAnon and their “lies,” but he seems to have no issue with the left and their repeated lies, like the entire Russia conspiracy, which, after many federal investigations, has been proven to be a complete farce.

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