Jesse Watters Asks Tough, Uncomfortable Questions About Possible ‘Coverup’ Involving Obama and His Dead Chef

While many are eager to label the passing of Obama’s chef, Tafari Campbell, as an accident, as additional puzzling elements come to light, one must contemplate the possibility of foul play.

The police have been relatively reticent when it  comes to disclosing information about Campbell’s drowning, and now Fox News’ Jesse Watters is unapologetically posing the hard-hitting questions concerning this mysterios demise.

From RadarOnline:

In a sudden development to come three months after Tafari Campbell drowned to death while paddleboarding near the Obama family’s private residence on the Massachusetts island in July, Watters questioned the narrative behind the 45-year-old Obama chef’s sudden and mysterious passing.

The Fox News star raised newfound questions about the incident after a partly redacted 911 call connected to the incident was released by Martha’s Vineyard authorities this week.

“The 911 call in the drowning of Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell, has been released,” Watters reported on Tuesday. “We knew a Secret Service agent placed a call after the female Obama staffer paddle-boarding with Tafari alerted him of the drowning.”

“Now we also know that there were two calls made,” he continued. “They’ve been released, heavily redacted, likely in order to protect the First Family.”

Watters then questioned why the Obama family was not mentioned on the redacted 911 call. He also questioned why the female Obama staffer who was said to be with Campbell at the time of his death was not mentioned.

“There’s no mention of the Obamas on the call,” the Jesse Watters Primetime host charged. “But we now know the former president arrived at the incident command post after the 911 call was placed and spoke to Secret Service and police.”

“There’s also no mention on the call of the female Obama staffer who is paddle-boarding with Tafari when he drowned,” Watters continued. “We’ll continue to update this story and again, our deepest condolences to Tafari’s family.”


One can’t help but wonder why these documents are heavily redacted to shield the Obama family.

Honestly, what’s there to shield them from  if this truly was a straightforward drowning incident?

Just that alone sets off alarm bells.

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