HANNITY MONOLOGUE: ‘Joe Biden is Lying Right to Your Face!’ [WATCH] – The Last News

HANNITY MONOLOGUE: ‘Joe Biden is Lying Right to Your Face!’ [WATCH]

During Wednesday night’s Hannity, Fox News host Sean Hannity reviewed the latest news on the Biden family influence-peddling scheme investigation; “Biden is lying right to your face,” Hannity said after rolling. clip of Biden calling all allegations “a bunch of lies.”

“Really? No interaction with Hunter’s business partners? That’s what you’re going to go with? Joe Biden is lying right to your face,” Hannity said. “According to records just released by the House Ways and Means Committee, Biden emailed with one of Hunter’s main business partners and associates, the so-called ‘money man’ —a guy by the name of Eric Scherwin —a whopping 327 times, including 54 emails just between Joe and Eric.”

“Joe was Vice President at the time.”

Watch the clip above.


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