Piers Morgan On Trump “He Can Win Again”

Many in the mainstream media scoff at the notion of Trump making a run in 2024, let alone clinching a victory. However, Piers Morgan  bucks the trend, placing all his bets on Trump for 2024.

According to Piers, Trump stands a remarkable chance of winning next year. This is especially noteworthy given his robust performance in the polls, despite the legal challenges he currently faces.

From OK! Magazine:

“Absolutely he can win again. What would he be like if he won again? Again, I suspect his bark would be worse than his bite. I think he talks a far more dangerous game than he actually executes with action — but that may be wishful thinking. There’s definitely a touch of authoritarianism about his behavior and rhetoric since the last election. So, I would hope that would not be the case,” the TV star, 58, said in a new interview.

During the chat, the journalist dished on Trump’s strategy as he runs for president against Joe Biden, who is reportedly not doing well in the polls.

“I think anyone who defies democracy in the way that Trump has been doing by refusing to accept that he lost the last election, with no evidence, as I kept saying to him, produce the evidence that it’s a rigged, stolen election. But he hasn’t been able to. And many senior Republicans agree he’s not been able to. So his own side, a lot a lot of them, just aren’t having this, but many people do have it, and they do believe it. And Trump just cries foul and that’s been his modus operandi his entire life, by the way. It’s been very successful for him. Remember that. You’re talking about somebody who’s facing 100 criminal indictments and yet is way ahead in the polling, not just to be Republican nominee, but he’s also ahead in many polls I’ve seen to beat Biden if it’s that much up in the general election,” Morgan shared.

Piers is certainly hitting  the nail on the head with his assessment. Despite polls seemingly tilted in favor of Democrats, Trump is unequivocally outperforming Biden. The left’s sole recourse at the moment to thwart Trump is attempting to indict him on one of the dubious charges they’ve thrown his way, but even that seems like a long shot.

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