Barack Obama Is Scared About 2024

The 2024 presidential election looms large, and it seems  Barack Obama isn’t exactly brimming with confidence.

Given Biden’s lackluster poll numbers and the mounting personal conflicts, Obama can read the signs clearly. He’s genuinely worried that the Democrats might be headed for a loss in the upcoming election.

From Breitbart:

With former President Donald Trump forging ahead in polls, and concerns about the president’s age, immigration, Israel policy, and economic plan denting confidence all while son Hunter Biden appears to be providing an endless media distraction, the quoted source familiar with Obama’s thinking described the former president as troubled.

Trump has the edge over Joe Biden in seven crucial swing states in hypothetical match-ups with the 2024 general election less than a year away, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll.

He is also increasingly seen as the stronger, better leader of the two.

Obama “knows this is going to be a close race,” the source told the WSJ, and “feels that Democrats very well could lose” the 2024 election while also fretting “the alternative is pretty dangerous for democracy,” the person said.

Well, you’ve got to give credit to Obama for being a realist. While many Dems  appear to prefer residing in an alternate reality, refusing to acknowledge that Trump is gaining strength in the polls day by day.

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