New Report Reveals Biden Travels with an Extra Pair of Pants in Case of an ‘Accident’

If anyone doubted that Biden would be better off in a nursing home than the White House, look no further than this bombshell report.

According to rumblings heard by Senator Ted Cruz, Biden’s aides have to travel around with extra pairs of pants in case old Joe has “poopy pants.”

From Conservative Brief:

The Texas Republican, speaking at Turning Point USA’s annual AmericaFest event, Biden’s aides have begun to adopt new precautions for when the commander-in-chief travels.

“Listen, we have a president of the United States [whose] team carries extra pairs of pants with him when he travels in case he has poopy pants,” Cruz said, as noted in a viral clip posted online.

“Big and stinky if true,” conservative influencer Collin Rugg said in an X post containing the clip.

According to The Western Journal, however, that was only half of Cruz’s statement.

“I want you to pause and think how the enemies of America are feeling,” the senator continued, setting up a punchline for a joke: “Eh, depends.”

It’s honestly humiliating that we have a literal senior citizen  running this country. This guy can’t even form a cognitive sentence, and it’s likely that he’s sitting around, taking massive dumps in his pants.

But yet, this is the man who won a record number of votes in 2020. Seems weird, right?

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