Fox News Co-Founder’s 2023 “Wish” Was For Trump to Die – The Last News

Fox News Co-Founder’s 2023 “Wish” Was For Trump to Die

As we’ve all seen in recent years, Fox News is certainly  not the haven for conservatives or Trump supporters as we once believed.

In fact, Fox News co-founder Barry Diller’s top wish  going into 2023 was that Trump would hopefully be deceased by the year’s end.

Well, here we are, already  a week into 2024, and Trump is still alive and well, Barry…

From Headline USA:

Barry Diller, a co-founder of Fox News, revealed to Semafor that one of the things that he got wrong for the then-upcoming 2023 was his prediction and desire that Donald Trump would die that year.

“That Trump would be figuratively or more hopefully dead,” he said.

From October 1984 to April 1992, Diller served as chairman and CEO of Fox News, according to the National Pulse. Right now, he serves as the chairman of the IAC holding company and the Expedia Group.

It wasn’t the first time when the Democrat media and business mogul exposed his hatred toward Trump. Diller has been referring to Trump as a “joke” and ‘evil” throughout the years. One of the times when he expressed his pure hatred toward the non-establishment politician was in a 2018 interview with fellow leftist Maureen Dowd.

“I would so love it if he were being blackmailed by Putin. That would make me very happy. This was a man of bad character from the moment he entered adulthood, if not before. Pure, bad character. Ugh, Trump,” the man with Trump Derangement Syndrome said.

One of the main reasons why Diller hated Trump and his presidency was his immigration policy. He claimed in 2017 that Trump’s efforts to end the mass immigration agenda that is pushed by Marxists was causing American workers to leave the country for places like Germany, even though this ridiculous take is not backed by any emigration data.

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